We Did Our Own Thing Today

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We haven't had our math assessment yet, we haven't had any of our online workshops in science and reading, so we spent our day the best way we could.  By doing our own thing.

We had breakfast, then went to the grocery store.  Eva was in charge of the shopping list and led me around the store finding the items.  She was pretty motivated to find the items on the list as she had created it herself for the most part.  She had a conversation with me informing me that at school last year, the cafeteria offered interesting choices for lunch, such as sloppy joes, tacos, grilled cheese sandwiches, bean and cheese burritos, English muffin pizzas, etc.  And sides.  Always a choice of sides:  applesauce, carrots, cherry tomatoes, jello, and so on. And chips.  Lots of chips. Our mission was to come up with a nice varied selection of menu items to provide for her during her school day at my house.

She seemed to know where most things were to be found, and when she wasn't sure she read the signs and tried to figure it out. When it came to the cheese section, I told her I wanted her to find the most budget-friendly options. And she did, comparing prices to find the lowest ones. She unloaded the card at the check out stand and presented my debit card for payment. I don't know about you, but I think that was an educational experience.


Then after that, we came home and put the groceries away. Next, we went up to the sewing room and made three new masks for Eva.  She picked out the fabrics (we used layer cake squares) and chose things that went well together, so each mask could be reversible.  She helped me pin (she did not enjoy pinning).  She measured 5" lengths of elastic and cut them perfectly.  She ironed the masks at the appropriate time during construction.

She also played with my camera, and did an interview of me where we discussed how masks disguise a person, are hot to wear and wondered how long COVID-19 would be an issue that called for them to be worn.  She played with my phone camera and took slow-mo, time-lapse, and speeded up videos of me sewing.

I don't know about you, but I think she learned something today and we weren't spending the entire day doing speed drills and flashcards.  Well, we did some of that later, but honestly, I think you can't put a kid's learning in a tidy box with a bow.  We did our own thing and both came out the wiser.


See, the flashcards are there in the background. All in good time.

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