Happy Birthday to Me!

Posted by admin on

I've had a good birthday. I got to talk to my cousin NH, my brother AJ, my brother-in-law RJ, DD, and Facetimed with DS, DIL1, LC and OJ. I got birthday cards and birthday texts. I went down to the library and found a couple boxes of books to sort. I knitted, I read, and I goofed off. A good day.

Dad's rose is blooming again. I forgot to go out to take a picture when it was still light outside so the color of the rose is a little washed out from the flash. It was still warm, in the mid-70s, when I went out and the fragrance of the rose floated out on the warm summer breeze. Mm.

The daily art page today was a doozy. It said to take a picture from a magazine or a photograph, draw a graph over it in fine liner pen, draw another graph on the page in the book in pencil, and duplicate the drawing cell by cell. I paged through photo albums, copied some pictures, picked the simplest one, and got to work. I might color in the picture tomorrow but I was just happy with the way the drawing turned out.


Today I drew the last figure in The 15-Minute Artist. It's water droplets. They were kind of fun to shade and turn from flat 2-D into 3-D. I think they kind of jump off the page like they're supposed to. A little anyway.

When I talked to AJ this morning I mentioned that I've taken up watercolor painting and then said I was going to eat a banana. He said, "You should paint it instead." I said, "I have another one." So that's what I did. I ate a banana in the morning and painted a banana in the afternoon.

I was kind of keeping an eye out for a bird to take a picture of and all there was were Sparrows but then this little Chickadee showed up and stayed long enough for a snapshot. I wish it was its face instead of its back but beggars can't be choosers.

Today's toss was a short stack of activity and coloring books that have outlived their usefulness. The grandkids have moved on.


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