Father’s Day 2021 Gifts, Crafts, and Dinner Ideas
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Father’s Day 2021 is approaching this Sunday, June 20 and for our son it’s a big deal.
This will be the seventh year I’ve experienced the multitude in which our son adores me.
It’s also a day where I get to be King although to our son Father’s Day is every day.
We often don’t fully appreciate how much our children look up to us as parents.
Today, I want to discuss Father’s Day Crafts, Dinner, Gifts and The Circle of Security.

Father’s Day 2021 Parenting and Life
As I reflect on 2021 thus far I can safely say that we’ve battled through tough times with our son.
It’s easy to let life sneak it’s way into our daily routines and swipe little moments from underneath us.
At times homeschooling our son has gotten the best of us as it’s not his normal routine.
Apart from parenting we have to work, clean, grocery shop, cook, pay bills, make appointments, fix stuff, and find time for the family and ourselves.
Every parent knows that there is FAR more than just the above but that’s what we signed up for.
Every day is a challenge but somehow we do it because that’s what parents do.
We sacrifice the time we used to have when we had no kids and filled that space with a little face. (maybe more if you have more than 1 child)
The Circle Of Security Parenting Program

Earlier this year Mrs. CBB and I took part in a program called The Circle of Security with the Canadian Mental Health Association.
A FREE 8-week group for parents of children birth to 6 years of age.
Learn ways to help your child organize their feelings, support your child’s exploration in the world, read and respond to your child’s cues, promote a secure relationship with your child, and so much more.
The Circle Of Security Program
- Support your child’s exploration of the world
- Delight in your child
- Help your child organize their feelings
- Understand what your child’s behaviour is telling you
- Read and respond to your child’s cues
- Promote a secure relationship with your child
It’s a program we’d definitely suggest for all parents looking to understand their child.
Not only were we amazed at how our son was trying to communicate to us but what we overlooked.
Having a child on the spectrum was something we weren’t prepared for and the program helped us tremendously.
There were many missed opportunities for us however we’ve since changed the way that we parent.
Father’s Day 2021 Is Not Just A Day It’s A Lifetime

I’m not a perfect dad but in our sons eyes I’m the man that he looks up to when he needs something.
Before we ever hear mom I need help he will come to me first if we are both home.
Often Mrs. CBB would laugh especially when he was a baby and needed his diaper changed.
Dad… I need my diaper changed. Then you’d hear Mrs. CBB chuckle in the background.
In all fairness we took turns but I don’t think I ever expected to be so loved by a little human.
He puts me on a pedestal but honestly, I’m at eye level to ensure that he understands he can always come to me.
Just Like Dad

Just about everything I do our son wants to do with me whether it’s cutting wood, oil changes, or swapping tires.
He’s helped me mud the walls, clean the garage, take the trash out, pick weeds, sweep and a million other things.
There’s never a time that I tell him that he can’t help me because I’ll find some task for him to do.
He’s ok with this because he’s learning something new from me each time.
Ever since we brought our little guy home from the hospital he’s always been a daddy’s boy.
He’s all about grease, muck, building, crashing, exploding and loves to learn about anything that I can teach him.
It’s not always to his mother’s delight but we are boys and we make messes, ha!
We both like science experiments so I dabble a bit on Pinterest looking to see what I can find.
One year we wanted to see how high we could explode a bottle of pop when we put Mentos inside.
That was messy but he loved every second of it.
Kicking the ball around outside, building things, pushing him on the swing and learning is what he loves the most.
Being The Best Dad I Can Be
As a parent I do the best I can for our son especially when it comes to education and health.
Over the last month we’ve been learning about money and what dollars and coins are worth.
There’s always an adventure from the moment he wakes up in the morning even if it’s a work day for me.
When Father’s Day 2021 comes around I’m forever thankful to have been chosen to be his father.
It’s so much work being a parent but certainly rewarding when you get those hugs and kisses.
As you can tell below he’s not that secretive when it comes to surprises, but I can live with that.
He’s the kid who played hide and seek with me and would tell me he’s going to hide in the closet.
For Father’s Day 2021 he told us he wanted to buy me something special, make a craft and help with dinner.
Impressive I know although the dinner part would be washing broccoli or cauliflower and tearing it apart.
I must admit that he’s a little chef who takes his time to make sure he’s doing it right.
Kids Appreciate The Small Stuff

Since the school was closed due to Covid-19 our son wasn’t able to bring a Mother’s Day craft home that he made.
Yesterday I picked up his belongings from school and inside was a blue gift box that contained a clay flower painted red inside.
He gave it to his mother yesterday and he was so proud that he had made it just for her.
She now uses it to put her rings inside and it sits on her bedroom dresser.
“I made that for mom”, he said while playing with her rings.
Kids appreciate the small stuff which too many adults overlook because we focus on the big picture.
- Am/Are I/we being a good parent?
- What am I/we doing wrong?
- Can I/we do more?
I’m not sure what craft he will be making for me with his mother however I thought I’d find a few ideas.
I’ve also scoured Amazon Canada for little gifts that I think would be perfect for Father’s Day 2021.
Father’s Day 2021 Craft Ideas
Below you’ll find some of my favourite Father’s Day Craft ideas that I picked out from Pinterest.
Rock Craft For Father’s Day
How cool is this idea for a Father’s Day craft?
Our son loves to collect rocks around the park and neighbourhood and definitely something he would make.
This super-easy Father’s Day craft is fun to make — kids will love decorating their rocks to look just like their dads.
CBC Parents
What You’ll Need
- cardstock in colours of your choice
- markers
- glue
- rocks—look around outside for a variety of shapes or buy a bag of polished river stones
Find out how to make this rock craft for Father’s Day 2021.
Hand Painting Craft For Father’s Day 2021

source – preschoolcrafts.piysi.com
Our son loves to paint and I chose this particular hand painting art because it’s personal, sends a message to dad, and easy for kids to make.
There are so many Father’s Day 2021 crafts on Pinterest that won’t cost you much but craft materials and time.
A trip to a dollar store and you’ll find paint, construction paper, markers, crayons, and other craft materials.
Inexpensive Gift Ideas Father’s Day 2021
We decided that under $20 is a reasonable amount to spend for Father’s Day.
My wife and son are going in together to buy me something small so they will spend $10 each.
This is not what they are getting me (never know though) but I thought it was a cool key ring to have.
Most dads like to saw, use a hammer, screwdriver and other tools around the house.
The second cool Father’s Day 2021 gift I found on Amazon Canada is this Murto leather bracelet Magnetic Clasp Cowhide Braided Multi-Layer Wrap for men. $19.99.
These are two items that I would appreciate as a father if our son wanted to spend a bit of money.
Every dad is different so find out what they are into and perhaps buy something personalized.
Dinner For Dad Ideas On Father’s Day
Father’s Day 2021 dinner ideas are all about fresh, flavourful and easy for kids to help prepare.
Below I’ve found 2 Dinners and a Father’s Day dessert perfect for dad. Hey, that’s me.
I love everything on this dish as it’s fresh, colourful and full of flavours which makes it a perfect Father’s Day Dinner.
Super juicy, tender kabobs made with the best marinade ever! Olive oil, lemon juice, paprika, oregano, basil, thyme, garlic. SO BOMB.
Source: Damn Delicious Blog (see link above)
Italian Mozzarella Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf
I loved this dish that I created in 2017 and can be made in the oven in a flash.
This is Italian Mozzarella Stuffed Turkey Meatloaf with a side of garlic Broccoli and topped with homemade gravy.
If you don’t care for broccoli check out my free recipe index for lots of other side-dishes such as rapini.
So good, inexpensive to make and easy to get it ready and into the oven for Father’s Day.
Father’s Day 2021 Dessert
I’m a huge fan of fudge brownies but I’m an even bigger lover of date squares.
In fact, I just found out that Mrs. CBB hid the last batch we made in the freezer.
I wondered what happened to them, haha!
She knows if she doesn’t freeze the date squares I’ll have them done in no time at all.
They are so good which is why I’m sharing my Pinterest viral thick date square recipe with all of you.
Learning To Be Thoughtful
Although spending money is optional if your child does want to spend part of their allowance let them.
This is all part of learning about money and how to earn it, save it and spend it wisely.
I may get a pair of socks, a chocolate bar, a craft, and hugs but I’ll be forever grateful for his thoughtfulness.
Being a dad is hard work, but so rewarding when you watch your children grow up knowing you were an influence in their lives.
Happy Father’s Day 2021
Discussion: How will you be celebrating Father’s Day 2021? Share your comments below.
Thanks for your support.
The post Father’s Day 2021 Gifts, Crafts, and Dinner Ideas appeared first on Canadian Budget Binder.