All items you can make with the Cram-o-matic on the Isle of Armor

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Either get some amazing items or a bunch of junk.

One of the latest new features introduced to Pokémon Sword and Shield in the Isle of Armor is the Cram-o-matic. This little machine, designed to look like Cramorant, can turn some of your junk into amazing items, but be careful, it can also turn amazing items into junk. How do you know what to stick in the Cram-o-matic? Don't worry, we here at iMore have everything you need to know to get the most out of the Cram-o-matic!

What is the Cram-o-matic?

Invented by Hyde, the genius son of Mustard and Honey, the Cram-o-matic is an item recycler. Simply put, you stick four items you don't need into it and you get one item in return. While that might seem like a bit of a ripoff, many of the items you can get are worth considerably more than the items you put in. You'll need to give Hyde a few Watts to get it up and going, but it's well worth the investment.

How do you work the Cram-o-matic?

Once the Cram-o-matic is working, Hyde will let you use it as often as you'd like. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Press A to examine the Cram-o-matic.
  2. Press A to select Combine items.
  3. Using the left joystick or the D-pad, scroll through your Berries, Treasures, or Other Items.

  4. Press A to confirm your selections.
  5. Press A to save your game.

  6. The Cram-o-matic will spit out your new item.

Repeat this process as often as you'd like and try out lots of combinations to see what you can make.

How do you get new recipes?

While you don't need recipes to operate the Cram-o-matic, Hyde will happily share all of his recipes with you... for a price. For 100 Watts, Hyde will share a recipe, seemingly at random. You'll have to make sure to take notes though, because those recipes aren't saved anywhere once you buy them.

Fortunately, you don't need to buy recipes because they're the same for everyone. If you put in four Fossilized Birds, you'll get the same Cell Battery that I got, everytime. The only exception to this is if you use Apricorns.

What are Apricorns?

Originally introduced in the Johto region of Gen II, Apricorns served as the very first Poké Balls long before Poké Balls were invented hundreds of years prior. Although most Trainers use modern day Poké Balls, Apricorns can still be used to craft rare types of Poké Balls.

In Pokémon Sword and Shield, Apricorns can be found growing on the Isle of Armor. If you gather up enough of them, they can be used in the Cram-o-matic to craft rare types of Poké Balls. However, unlike in Gen II games, the results of putting Apricorns in the Cram-o-matic are entirely random. While the rest of your recipes will consistently produce the same items over and over again, if you're using Apricorns, your results will be random.


While putting Apricorns into the Cram-o-matic gives random results, there are many items which make the same items every time. Keep in mind, there are hundreds of possibilities and several items have multiple possible recipes. Also the order of the items matters! These are some of the best recipes we've found:

Item A Item B Item C Item D Result
Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Rare Candy Ability Capsule
Sticky Barb Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Absorb Bulb
Dusk Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Adrenaline Orb
Tiny Mushroom Tiny Mushroom Tiny Mushroom Tiny Mushroom Big Mushroom
Nugget Nugget Nugget Nugget Big Nugget
Pearl Pearl Pearl Pearl Big Pearl
Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Black Sludge
Big Nugget Big Nugget Big Nugget Comet Shard Bottle Cap
Big Nugget Big Nugget Comet Shard Comet Shard Bottle Cap
Light Ball Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Dubious Disc
Hard Stone Hard Stone Hard Stone Hard Stone Ever Stone
Macho Brace Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Expert Belt
Fire Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Flame Orb
Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Bottle Cap Gold Bottle Cap
Tiny Mushroom Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy Grassy Seed
Float Stone Float Stone Float Stone Float Stone Hard Stone
Ice Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Icy Rock
Thunder Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Light Ball
Thick Club Thick Club Rare Bone Rare Bone Light Clay
Any Power Item Any Power Item Any Power Item Any Power Item Macho Brace
Iron Ball Iron Ball Iron Ball Iron Ball Metal Coat
Moon Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Misty Seed
Shiny Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Misty Seed
Fossilized Fish Fossilized Fish Comet Shard Comet Shard Mystic Water
Fossilized Dino Fossilized Dino Fossilized Dino Fossilized Dino Never Melt Ice
Mago Berry Figy Berry Figy Berry Figy Berry Odd Incense
Wiki Berry Pearl Pearl Pearl Oval Stone
Big Pearl Big Pearl Big Pearl Big Pearl Pearl String
Toxic Orb Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Poison Barb
Armorite Ore Armorite Ore Armorite Ore Armorite Ore PP Up
Big Nugget Big Nugget Big Nugget Big Nugget PP Up
Lum Berry Lum Berry Lum Berry Lum Berry Pretty Feather
Big Pearl Big Pearl Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Prism Scale
Lagging Tail Light Clay Light Clay Light Clay Protector
Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Blue Apricorn Quick Powder
Comet Shard Comet Shard Comet Shard Comet Shard Rare Candy
Fire Stone Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Red Card
Red Apricorn Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Red Card
Mago Berry Fossilized Bird Silver Powder Protective Pads Ring Target
Everstone Everstone Everstone Everstone Rocky Helmet
Berry Sweet Metal Coat Reseli Berry Silver Powder Room Service
Moon Stone Sweet Apple Black Sludge Sticky Barb Sachet
Black Apricorn Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Scope Lens
Pesto Berry Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Pecha Berry Sea Incese
Any Feather Any Feather Any Feather Any Feather Sharp Beak
Fossilized Fish Fossilized Fish Fossilized Fish Fossilized Fish Shell Bell
Oran Berry Maranga Berry Sweet Apple Blunder Policy Smoke Ball
Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Aspear Berry Snowball
Dusk Stone Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Spell Tag
Persim Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Oran Berry Stardust
Stardust Stardust Stardust Stardust Star Piece
Nugget Nugget Nugget Comet Shard Terrain Extender
Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Qualot Berry Toxic Orb
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry PP Up PP Up Upgrade
Babiri Berry Smoke Ball Power Anklet Aguav Berry Utility Umbrella
Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb Absorb Bulb White Herb
Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Sticky Barb Sticky Barb White Herb
Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Maranga Berry Wide Lens
Rare Bone Rare Bone Rare Bone Rare Bone Wishing Piece
Balm Mushroom Rare Bone Stardust Pearl Wishing Piece
Any Sweet Any Sweet Any Sweet Any Sweet Random Sweet
Any Apricorn Any Apricorn Any Apricorn Any Apricorn Random Poké Ball
  • Any Evolution Stone - There are a number of recipes which are dependent upon the first item. If Any Evolution Stone* is in the second, third, and fourth slots, you can substitute: Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, Ice Stone, Dynamax Candy, or any EXP Candy.

TR Recipes

In addition to tons of useful items, you can also use the Cram-o-Matic to make TRs.

Item A Item B Item C Item D TR
Ability Capsule Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR00 Swords Dance
Lucky Egg Lucky Egg Lucky Egg Lucky Egg TR01 Body Slam
Water Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* TR04 Surf
Comet Shard Comet Shard Berry Sweet Clover Sweet TR06 Blizzard
Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Leppa Berry Leppa Berry TR07 Low Kick
Any STAT Drink Any STAT Drink Any STAT Drink Any STAT Drink TR07 Low Kick
Comet Shard Comet Shard Nigget Big Nugget TR10 Earthquake
Exp. Candy XS Exp. Candy XS Exp. Candy XS Exp. Candy XS TR12 Agility
PP Up Iron Protien Zinc TR13 Focus Energy
Flame Orb Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR15 Fire Blast
Pearl Pearl Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom TR16 Waterfall
White Apricorn Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Tri19 Tri Attack
Quick Powder Quick Powder Quick Powder Quick Powder TR20 Substitute
HP Up Berry Sweet Brave Mint Leftovers TR21 Reversal
Hondew Berry Hondew Berry Hondew Berry Hondew Berry TR23 Spikes
Stardust Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy TR23 Spikes
Light Clay Light Clay Light Clay Light Clay TR25 Psyshock
Power Lens Power Lens Power Lens Power Lens TR25 Psyshock
Normal Gem Normal Gem Normal Gem Normal Gem TR26 Endure
White Apricron Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR27 Sleeptalk
Normal Gem Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR29 Baton Pass
Quick Claw Quick Claw Quick Claw Quick Claw TR30 Encore
Reaper Cloth Reaper Cloth Reaper Cloth Reaper Cloth TR33 Shadow Ball
Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy M TR34 Future Sight
Chilan Berry Spell Tag Power Lens Power Bracer TR35 Uproar
Red Apricorn Red Apricorn Big Nugget Big Nugget TR36 Heat Wave
Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry TR37 Taunt
Light Clay Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR38 Trick
Armorite Ore Wishing Piece Wishing PIece Wishing Piece TR39 Superpower
Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy L TR40 Skill Swap
Exp. Candy XL Exp. Candy XL Exp. Candy XL Exp. Candy XL TR40 Skill Swap
Sun Stone Fire Stone Dawn Stone Flame Orb TR 41 Blaze Kick
Rare Candy Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy TR44 Cosmic Power
Rare Candy Exp. Candy S Exp. Candy S Exp. Candy S TR44 Cosmic Power
Aguav Berry Aguav Berry Aguav Berry Aguav Berry TR47 Dragon Claw
Destiny Knot Destiny Knot Destiny Knot Destiny Knot TR49 Calm Mind
Metal Coat Soft Sand Light Clay Iron Ball TR52 Gyro Ball
Power Band Comet Shard Comet Shard Comet Shard TR53 Close Combat
Black Sludge Iron Ball Iron Ball Iron Ball TR54 Toxic Spikes
Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy Berry TR56 Aura Sphere
Oran Berry Oran Berry PP Up PP Up TR57 Poison Jab
Leaf Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* TR59 Seed Bomb
Honey Honey Honey Honey TR60 X-Scissor
Dragon Scale Razor Claw Razor Claw Razor Claw TR62 Dragon Pulse
Leftovers Leftovers Leftovers Leftovers TR65 Energy Ball
Soft Sand Soft Sand Soft Sand Soft Sand TR67 Earth Power
Iapapa Berry Iapapa Berry Rare Bone Rare Bone TR68 Nasty Plot
Metal Coat Razor Claw Tart Apple Eviolite TR70 Flash Cannon
Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Pearl String Pearl String TR72 Power Whip
Gold Bottle Cap Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR73 Gunk Shot
White Herb White Herb White Herb White Herb TR77 Grass Knot
Balm Mushroom Balm Mushroom Dynamax Candy Dynamax Candy TR77 Grass Knot
Poison Barb Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR78 Sludge Wave
Iron Ball Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR79 Heavy Slam
Metal Coat Metal Coat Metal Coat Metal Coat TR79 Heavy Slam
Thunder Stone Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* Any Evolution Stone* TR80 Electro Ball
Pure Incense Choice Band Black Glasses Throat Spray TR82 Stored Power
Chilan Berry Chilan Berry Chilan Berry Chilan Berry TR85 Work Up
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Cheri Berry TR88 Heat Crash
Figy Berry Figy Berry Figy Berry Figy Berry TR88 Heat Crash
Black Sludge Black Sludge Black Sludge Black Sludge TR91 Venom Drench
Sachet Protector Reaper Cloth Whipped Dream TR92 Dazzling Gleam
Rare Candy Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR97 Psychic Fangs
Pearl Stardust Pearl String Star Piece TR98 Liquidation
Zinc Wishing Piece Wishing Piece Wishing Piece TR99 Body Press


Do you have any questions about the Cram-o-matic? Got a recipe we haven't found yet? Drop us a comment below, and be sure to check out our Complete Pokédex, as well as our many Pokémon Sword and Shield guides so you can be the very best like no one ever was!

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