6 Fixes for the Faulty Hardware Corrupted Page Stop Code in Windows 10
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A Blue Screen of Death, technically known as a stop error, is never a happy experience for Windows users. Your computer crashes without warning, losing your work, or other data in the process. The faulty hardware corrupted page error is one such critical error that can strike without warning.
Here’s how you fix the faulty hardware corrupted page stop code for good.
What Is the Faulty Hardware Corrupted Page Stop Code Error?
The faulty hardware corrupted page error (Windows stop code 0x0000012B) covers several different hardware issues, but refers to a single-bit error. A single-bit error occurs when a single bit (a minute piece of data) is incorrectly changed during the transmission of data. While it sounds like a tiny issue, the result can cause your system hardware to malfunction, resulting in the faulty hardware corrupted page stop code.
There is good news and bad news.
The good news is that there are several fixes available for the faulty hardware corrupted page stop code. The bad news is that Windows stop code 0x0000012B can indicate your system hardware is failing. Specifically, the stop code is often associated with faulty RAM.
You can check your RAM and other hardware issues with these fixes for the faulty hardware corrupted page stop code.
1. Restart Your Computer
If you haven’t already, restart your computer. Although infuriating to hear, “Have you tried switching it off and on again” really does fix a lot of problems. Before delving into the more advanced fixes, restart your computer and see if that resolves the issue.
2. Reseat Your Hardware
As the faulty hardware corrupted page error relates to your system hardware, a common fix is reseating your system hardware. If you knock or bump your system accidentally, you might jolt your RAM or graphics card out of position.