23 Cult Toys We Used to Play With. Whenever You Browse Your Childhood Photos, All the Memories Are Back Again
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Children these days have got a plenty of toys to play with. It’s a piece of cake for parents to find something their kids would love to have. In the past things did not use to be that simple. When you were growing up, you had just a few toys. Perhaps this is why so many of them have become cult gadgets these days.
#1 Something you could die and kill for

#2 Home cinema in 1990’s

# Things you could find in your chips packets

#4 A talking Furby

#5 A ‘hairy’ rubber ball

#6 All girls dreamed about having a doll house

#7 All generations love the game where you pretend to be the doctor (or the patient)

#8 Power Rangers attracted millions of TV viewers

#9 An educational clock to learn how to tell the time

#10 Most people in my elementary school would keep animals

#11 Untangling them was a nightmare

#12 Little knights and their wooden or plastic swords

#13 Perfect weapon for water battles

#14 The best gadget to play Tetris

#15 The cult fish

#16 The trolls to pun on the pencil tip

#17 The surprises you got inside chocolate Kinder eggs. You never knew what was inside…

#18 Did you play this one as a kid?

#19 The paper planes you had to put together yourself

#20 A plastic phone that would ring and flash

#21 Rubber balls that bounced off any kind of surface

#22 Pokémon cards

Did you use to help your dad illuminating things with a flashlight whenever he fixed something?

Would you add any other toys to the list?
The post 23 Cult Toys We Used to Play With. Whenever You Browse Your Childhood Photos, All the Memories Are Back Again appeared first on Handimania.